Exhibition "Men and women through pre-Columbian cultures"

Mermoz Gallery, 6 rue du Cirque – Paris – from June 6th to July 28th 2012. Opening Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Start date: 6/6/12
End date: 7/28/12
Exhibition "Men and women through pre-Columbian cultures" by Galerie Mermoz

Exhibition "Men and women through pre-Columbian cultures" at Mermoz Gallery, 6 rue du Cirque – Paris – from June 6th to July 28th 2012. Objects from Colima, Alamito, Mezcala, Guerrero, Teotihuacan, Jalisco, Michoacan, Tlatilco, Olmèque, Maya, Mixtèque, Xochipala, Chupicuaro, Chontal, Veracruz, Huari, Chavin and Huastèque cultures.